Great Expectations!! – A Photo Shoot of Leather Loafers

Meat in spatula and grill

“Great Expectations” is not only an awesome Charles Dickens novel, it’s also what my clients have when they show up at photo shoots.

So when my client Rockport Shoes arrive with three shoes that were not pairs and requested a single photo displaying the uppers and commonly shared sole in one shot, I knew I had to think outside the box. My first question to them was, do you like sand?

After the creation of this photo, they also had a question for me. Their question was, what makes you think this way?

One might wonder, why not bring the full pairs to the photo shoot…right? You see folks, in the shoe business, new and developing product samples are very rare and hard to come by and often times they’re prototypes that are in high demand in the early production process.

Please enjoy this images and pass it along to contacts who Expect Great Photos without question from their photographers.