Do people still say SEXY?

Do people still say SEXY? For those of you who don’t, please feel free to go with HOT! : )
I’m sure we all can agree that a matt black data storage box, is not in the least close to being SEXY. Right?
Well, when my client Facilis Technology Inc, call on me to create this image of their awesome TERRABLOCK server system, they weren’t exactly sure what sort of photo they wanted, but they were absolutely sure that they did NOT want a God-awful boring photo.
I had one question for my client before moving forward, and it went something like this.. “Do you like SEXY?”
If you’re looking at the photo, then I think you can actually hear his reply.
TerraBlock Shared Storage | Facilis Technology, Inc.
Please enjoy this image and share with contacts who can appreciate SEXY lighting and composition! Lol