Here’s the BEEF!!!

When my client Xavinci call on me to capture a number of food items for their client Kens Steakhouse, they had no idea this chunk of BEEF would make the cut for my photo of the month blog. I must say, although every item on the menu was simply scrumptious and amazing, this perfectly cooked chunk of BEEF really stood out. In fact, when the chef entered the shooting area carrying his masterpiece, I couldn’t help but complimenting the most generous cow for its contribution of such a lovely piece of BEEF.
Oh, while I’m on the subject of BEEF, let me throw this in. Often times or at least in the 80s, BEEF was referred to as something of substance. In fact at one point there was a very famous Wendy’s commercial, featuring a sweet looking little old lady going into a competing hamburger restaurant, ordering a hamburger, only to ask in a very loud voice upon receiving a tiny burger, “WHERE’S THE BEEF???” : ) You don’t believe, or you don’t remember? Click the link, see for yourself…
So her’s the BEEF, please enjoy this image and share with contacts who may be considering BEEFing up their image, by the use of powerful photos to advertise their product. I would be delighted to provide, BEEF-up images for them.