"IN YOUR FACE!!!" :)

Now what could that possible mean, Gerry? You said…
Well, as you know, powerful and commanding advertising is often times most effective when it’s up “IN YOUR FACE.”
That being said, when my client Gunn Design LLC, known for their “IN YOUR FACE” advertising, called on me to capture images for their client’s “IN YOUR FACE” Ad, the first thing came to mind was, oh boy!!! …I guess I’m going to Italy! LOL
Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed when I was told that going to Italy was out of the question, and that the “IN YOUR FACE” photography would take place in my studio. : (
All fun aside… After a discussion on what was need photographically was made, we went to work. Under the direction of their talented and very creative, creative director Martha, we were able to come away with crisp, impactfull images which were later composited and superimposed to an existing landscape image by Martha for the ultimate “IN YOUR FACE” appearance.
So here’s the question folks… Is your product or advertising “IN YOUR FACE” enough? Hmmm… Food for thought… : )
Please enjoy this image and pass it a long to contacts who perhaps has a product begging for, and deserve the “IN YOUR FACE” treatment.