“FOCUS Dad, FOCUS!!!” Yes, these were the exact words my impatient wise-guy middle child often times told me as an adolescent, but I said MIDDLE child right? : ) Well, little did she know, that was exactly what I had been doing all throughout her life, therefore I had plenty of practice.
When my brand new client East House Creative called on me to create this image for their client GE Healthcare, it became clear to me they were looking for a photographer who not only know how to FOCUS his or her lens correctly, but had a clear understanding of how to depict sharp FOCUS that tells a story within an image.
If you’re looking at the image, you’ll quickly notice the intense FOCUS on the faces of all four subjects. In this case, FOCUS obviously had nothing to do with the image being crisp and in full FOCUS. The main FOCUS here is on the task being performed and not so much on the surrounding areas in the photo being in sharp FOCUS.