Lets face it, everyone likes SWEETs, especially ladies. Why is this so? Well, they’re SWEET, that’s why. : )
Now that Valentine’s day is fast approaching, I have a strong warming for all the gentlemen receiving my blog post. She will be looking for something SWEET along with her diamonds, and other fine gifts you manage to dream up.
Don’t try to sneak up on her bearing expensive gifts alone, …it won’t work. Do the right thing, add something SWEET, and don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Speaking of SWEET, when my SWEET client Alison of Dan’s Chocolate called on me to capture their line of fine chocolates, the first thing I said to myself with thumbs in the air was, “SWEET!!!”
Having a SWEET toot my self, I suddenly realize I’m going to have to control myself on this project. You see folks, when photographing a SWEET food product, it is extremely difficult to get through the day without consuming most the product. The good news on this particular project my SWEET client also had a SWEET tooth. : ) Need I say more??
Please enjoy this image and share with contacts, make sure they’re SWEET.