Very HEAVY!!!

This is very HEAVY!!!
I have mentioned G. Greene Construction a number of times in my email blasts over the years, and by now you should know they’re all about the “HEAVY“
You have seen their Dump trucks, HEAVY. You have seen their Snow melting machine, HEAVY. You have seen their Front loaders, HEAVY. You have seen their Backhoes, HEAVY. You have seen their Bulldozers, HEAVY. I could go on and on with the G.Green Construction HEAVYs I have already shown you, but that would be redundant. : )
So why an I telling you all of this? Well, just as I thought I have photographed all of their HEAVY, they suddenly call on me to photograph yet another but very different kind of HEAVY.
Folks, this is not any ordinary HEAVY, this is wicked HEAVY! Take a minute and read what they recently did below and judge for yourself whether or not it is in fact HEAVY. Go ahead…read.
“G. Greene Construction recently completed the installation of a state-of-the-art Siemens 3T MRI at Boston Children’s Hospital. The installation was completed while the abutting departments remained operational. To lift this 12-ton MRI into the Mandell Building it was hoisted onto a support structure that spanned across Binney Street, which was closed off to traffic. Safety measures were taken to allow pedestrians to walk to their destinations out of harm’s way while the MRI was being hoisted.”
Are you kidding me!!!? Now it all make sense that they had to bring in the HEAVY to capture this image. : )
Please enjoy this image and share with contacts, this is much too HEAVY to keep to yourself. See more of our industrial work here: