Miss Cleo?? – Photo Shoot of a Crystal Ball

Every once in a while, clients with great confidence throw curve balls.
So when my client Miss Cleo show up at my studio holding a Crystal Ball…..haha
Okay, I’m kidding….Just wanted to get your attention. : )
It was indeed my longtime client The Boston Globe.
They needed a specific conceptual photo to be used in their Globe magazine.
The assignment was to photograph a Crystal Ball with specific but not simple instructions.
Instructions as follows:
Capture Crystal Ball with great clarity.
Capture Crystal Ball with selective focus. (focus in one area but not another)
Capture Crystal Ball with 1 reflection.
Capture Crystal Ball with blueish hue in specific areas.
Make it look moody but real.
Please enjoy this images and pass it along to contacts, who might be interested in near impossible photography.